

Known as the drink of the gods, Cacao was enjoyed by the Aztecs and Mayans alike. 
Today this healing drink gently assists in self-reflection and meditation.

I first discovered cacao a few years ago while attending a beautiful cacao ceremony in the heart of Birmingham. I loved it so much that I have since become a regular drinker myself and it has become a part of my lifestyle.
The wonderful heart opening properties of cacao have propelled me into some profound healing experiences, enabled me to engage with my intuition in a more meaningful way, and inspired me to be more creative in my day to day living.
In fact I regularly indulge in a cup or two while partaking in my favourite creative projects and activities or relaxing into deep meditation.

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But what is cacao?

It is from the Cacao tree that the chocolate we all know and love originates.

This incredible plant was first discovered in South America and was enjoyed by the Mayans and Aztecs alike. This sacred plant was greatly revered. So much so that its name Theobroma literally translates to "Food of the Gods!".

The story goes that Cacao was actually discovered within a mythical mountain by the gods themselves who then gave the Cacao tree to the Maya as a gift.

Cocoa, raw cacao and ceremonial cacao.

Ceremonial cacao differs from Cocoa powder and Raw Cacao. All three begin their journey in the same place (the cacao tree) but undergo a different journey leading to very different results. 

Cocoa - once it is picked, the plant undergoes a massive process of fermentation, roasting, grinding and pressing, and eventually the adding of oil, milk and of course sugar (among other things) which will eventually result in what we all know as cocoa and eventually the chocolate bars that we see on the shelves of our favourite shops.

Raw cacao - Although Raw cacao still undergoes a process to end up on the shelves of our favourite health food stores, It is a much gentler one. Instead of being roasted at high temperatures like with cocoa,the cacao goes through a process called cold-pressing which preserves the beans nutritional content.

Ceremonial Cacao - Made from the whole bean, ceremonial cacao undergoes a fermentation process and is roasted at low temperatures. Through every step of the process from it's time on the tree right the way to the cup in your hand, it is treated with the purest of respect and intention. 
All of the thoughts and energies that become infused with this bean from the farmers and handlers are always aligned with the spirit of cacao which means love, compassion and respect.


Cacao is also considered to be a super food with many health-boosting properties!

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We source all our Cacao - both ceremonial and powdered from Lisa Fearon - Amor Cacao. We've tried a few different types of ceremonial Cacao but nothing has quite compared to the Cacao that she sources - the smell, taste and the effects, have aided us in doing our own cacao ceremonies and diving deeply into the clarity and healing that Cacao provides. As well as selling the best cacao, Lisa is a Life coach, working with women who are at a point where they are looking for more from life.
